Securing the software supply chain to create a safer, better world

aDolus Emblem in White

About aDolus

aDolus provides continuous software supply chain visibility — at scale. In 2017, with help from the DHS, our team started tackling the rapidly escalating threat of software supply chain attacks. Our FACT platform now provides a huge head start to businesses needing a secure software supply chain.

Meet the Executive Team

Meet the Board of Directors

Our company purpose

In a world of growing and evolving security threats, we are committed to being the global authority on software intelligence for critical infrastructure. Delivering an easy-to-use platform, we unite users, vendors, and integrators to form a trust-based information-sharing community. By working together to secure the software supply chain, we can create a safer, better world.

What's in a name?

dolus / ˈdōləs / n. 1 Roman, civil, & Scots law : the doing of anything that is contrary to good conscience : the use of a trick, stratagem, artifice, or device to deceive another : DECEIT

(, 2018)
  • In Greek mythology, Dolos (or the Latin spelling Dolus) is the spirit of trickery and guile. He is a master at cunning deception, craftiness, and treachery. Dolos became known for his skill when he attempted to make a fraudulent copy of the statue Aletheia (Veritas) for the purpose of tricking people into thinking they were seeing the real statue.
  • There are many translations for the Latin word dolus, including: deceit, fraud, treachery, and a trap.
  • With words of Greek origin, adding the prefix a- inverts its meaning. It’s like adding the descriptor not or without.
    The result: If dolus means deceit, then adolus means no deceit.
  • So while the main power of the Greek spirit Dolos was to cause chaos among humanity, the aDolus solution aims to remove that threat.